Saturday, January 2, 2016

So I've got a 'lil secret....

Well....its time I share a 'lil secret with you.  It's an exciting one for me and one that I just have to share with others!  I am participating on the launch team for Kristen Welch's soon to be released  book, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World. You can preorder your book here.:)  Here's Kristen, also author of an excellent life-changing book, Rhinestone Jesus  and blogger at


If I talk about Kristen like she is my friend,  it's because.....well, I think she is.  I mean I have never met Kristen and I get no monetary compensation for promoting her book but I believe in her message.  She writes in such a real, down-to-earth, catching-me-up-on-the-latest-story voice that I feel like we are chatting about our kiddos and doing our best to raise kids that honor God.  She has encouraged me and in return, I want to encourage you.

Here's the thing.  Have you ever read a book where you think, "oh yeah! yes!" or "That's right!" or "Okay, Lord, maybe there is still a great work to be done in me."  You will think all of this and so much more while reading Raising Grateful Kids.  This book is a tool.  A tool the Lord can use to shape you and your children.  You see, this book  is not just about raising grateful kids but so much more........raising children who are kind, thoughtful, self-less, considerate, respectful, display self-control, and are a joy to be around.  Who doesn't want to raise this child?

Are your children babies, toddlers, school age, teenagers, adults?  This book is for you!  Kristen covers thoughts on gratitude, wants vs needs, teaching self-control, managing technology in our homes (and on our kids' phones), craving obedience, and how to get on the boat if you feel you've missed it and it is far out to sea.  She also provides practical tools at the end of each chapter, entitled "Going against the flow".  Here Kristen provides simple, practical, real-life methods to put the chapter's themes into your lives at  home.  She breaks it down into suggestions for parents, toddlers, elementary age, and tweens/teens.  If your children are grown, you will find your life enriched by the self-examination that comes from  reading this book.....and you just might be able to encourage another Mommy or Daddy.

Raising Grateful Kids is full of good stuff.  I mean real, practical, you want to read this and be a better parent stuff!  I am so excited about all I am learning and contemplating for our family that I just have to share with you.  Kristen grabs your attention and heartstrings from the intro when she dives into the joy of giving one of  her children a very special gift and then having to revoke the gift. Ouch!  We as parents enjoy giving gifts that our children will enjoy and no parent wants to steal a child's joy but sometimes it's just necessary.

From this bittersweet story, Kristen dives into chapter one exploring what the American Dream means to each of us and how our expectations and (uh-oh.....) maybe our own entitlement lends to our children's entitled behaviors.  (Yep, this book is a whole LOT about us as parents and a lil about our kiddos.)

So clearly I'm all for reading Raising Grateful Kids but I'm not alone.  As  members of the launch team, we received pdf copies of Kristen's book in November.  Here are what other launch team members are saying:

"One word for this book: AH-MAY-ZING!!!!! Also see: conviction, tears, fist pump, joy, frustration, elation, solidarity....." 
-Amanda Wissmann

"Such a great book and message!" -Sarah Bernstein

"It's amazing how just one chapter can spill over into every area of our lives." -Chrissy Petty

"After reading the first chapter of the book, I was a mom on a mission."

 -Jennifer Wicker Thorvaldson

So if the holiday hustle and bustle has left you weary, overwhelmed, and maybe a bit saddened by all the stuff received and remaining feeling of emptiness;  buy yourself (and your family!) a gift..........Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World'll be glad you did! Promise.

💗It's amazing how just one chapter can spill over into every area of our lives.

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