Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lead me, break me.

Have you ever been listening/singing a song and suddenly you want to stop dead in your tracks and shout, "Hold up!  I can't do that!"  This happens to me while worshipping at church or while driving down the road.  I'm happily singing along and then suddenly the truth of the words pierce my heart, suddenly selfish Dayla thinks, "No way.  Don't sing that with your mouth, heart, and mind.  I am not ready to make THAT big of a commitment."  Some examples that come to mind:

"Where He leads me I will follow.  I'll go with Him, with Him all the way."

"Wherever He leads I'll go.  Wherever He leads I'll go.  I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, wherever He leads I'll go."
......Do I really intend to go wherever He leads, all the way?

"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say, It is well. It is well,with my soul."......I want it to be well with my soul, but is it?

Through the years and life lessons I am learning that Yes!  I do want to sing these words.  Sometimes I am fearful of all that following Him might require but HIS ways are always best.  He provides.  He strengthens.  He guides.   He blesses.  So though my heart is fearful, my mind is trusting and praying that these words will be my heart's desire. 
Make me broken
So I can be healed
‘Cause I’m so calloused
And now I can’t feel
I want to run to You
With heart wide open
Make me broken

Make empty
So I can be filled
‘Cause I’m still holding
Onto my will
And I’m completed
When you are with me
Make me empty

‘Til You are my one desire
‘Til You are my one true love
‘Til You are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making me

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