Yep. We've been asked this question many times and if we have not been asked, I've seen the wonder on many other's faces. It is a personal question but it is an okay question to ask. I want you to know the answer. The answer is simple really. God provides. This is not just a saying, its true! He provides. He provided for the Israelites in the dessert. He provided for Daniel in the lion's den, He provided for Elijah in the valley. He provided safety and a humble start for Mary and Joseph. He provided a plentiful fish harvest when the disciples dropped their nets. He provided salvation for each of us on Calvary's hill. He has provided to bring Brody home.
Fifteen months ago, when Travis and I took the first tiny step forward to pursue adoption for our family, we had no idea where the money would come from. We decided we could ignore God's clear direction in our lives no longer. We decided to free up a bit of money, make the commitment, work hard, and trust our Father. I MUST tell you how HE has provided! It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. Tears because God knows each hair on my head and He cares. He has not overlooked us, but provided for each tender need.
Just in the past seven days, God has provided so many ways, I lose count! Financially, He has given us exactly what we needed to book our plane tickets and hotel and bring our Brody home. A week ago we received the okay to travel to Hong Kong. Late that night as I searched flight options, I wondered how would we pay for this trip? I wondered if maybe we shouldn't buy Brody a seat ticket for the trip home because the cost of tickets were unbelievable. As I sat at the computer, working the numbers, deliberating the decision, a surprise email came through. At 11:23 pm, we received confirmation that we were awarded a grant that would cover the final and extra costs of our travel! Exactly what we needed! And of course, enough to purchase Brody a seat ticket for the trip home. Tears flooded my eyes. God cares for us. Where He leads, He provides. God is SO good. In the days since, He has tenderly provided financially through His loving servants. We feel so undeserving and overwhelmed but must give God the glory! I hope you will praise HIM along with us.
Lovingly, He has provided just we need. Not only does it appear the bills are paid, but our love tanks are full! I am amazed by the thoughtfulness of people. We have been showered with gifts for Brody (even gifts for those sitting around us on the plane!), sweet and encouraging cards, faithful prayers, and tender hugs. The Lord provides. He has provided an enormous amount of loving care for our two children at home while we travel. This momma's heart is full. I wish all could know the peace and joy that comes from following, trusting, and leaning on our Lord.
So how did we afford adoption? The simple and amazing answer is what we often shout in youth group.....Jesus! If you are craving more nitty gritty details on how the bill has been paid, we would love to share with you. There are so many ways to pay for adoption. I believe confidently that God provides through many others, through charities, fundraising, grants, and hard work. An adoption encourager to me has shared some wonderful ideas on how to afford adoption on her blog She actually has written a two part post because there are so many ways to cover the cost of adoption!
And finally, this thought. So many say, but adoption is so expensive! Really? I bet many of you are driving vehicles that cost at least $20,000. How long do we keep our vehicles? What value does a car have to you? When talking about adoption, we are talking about providing a child a home, family, love, support, belonging, consistency, food, clothing, a last name, and the comfort of knowing Jesus as one's Savior. There is NO price too much. Brody is not home yet but already I would pay the adoption costs ten times over to bring him home and love him with my hugs, words, and family. Priceless. last thing. For those of you who have given to us financially, lovingly, sacrificially, thank you! Thank you for being willingly used by our Father! May He receive all the praise!, let's get Brody home!:)
Beautifully said...may your thoughts provide the encouragement for others who may be thinking about adopting and not knowing how to financially cover the cost. Thank you for your example of FAITH in walking this path. Our prayers are with you as you travel, for rest, sleep, for ears that do not give you trouble flying, for communication that will be provided, for weather that will not hinder your trip, for knowledgeable flight crews, for laughter.....for Brody waiting and not knowing what is to come shortly. For a little boy who "lights" up with a smile when he sees you, For Brilee and Brooklyn and their care givers while you are away. For Brody's travel to America.....for his body to sleep on the plane when needed, for a head that has no problem with pain when flying, for him knowing and feeling your love and him trusting you and Travis as he leaves his only caregivers.......what "peace" we have in knowing the creator and sustainer of all things....May our Fathers peace go with you in the coming hours, days in all areas....Thank you Father for providing, for seeing the needs, for prayer warriors that are there throughout the coming days to uphold Travis, Dayla, Brilee, Brooklyn and Brody up whatever the time of day or night....We give you the Glory in providing for Brody to come home! We love you! Dad and Mom