Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 5 in Hong Kong: Gotcha Day Goodbyes & Hellos!

The adoption process for us has definitely been a roller coaster of emotions.  Today was no different.   As I look at Brody sleeping peacefully by our sides, I am filled with amazement, joy, and relief that we are to this point.  Earlier today I could not imagine such peace would be on our boy's face.  Goodbyes are never easy.  Especially when you are a 22 month old saying goodbye to the only world you've ever known.

When we arrived at Mother's Choice this morning, we first stopped in to say good morning to Brody. He ran away from us and tried to hide several times.  I am very certain he knew today was goodbye day.  The staff tried to get us to play together but Brody was not interested and we couldn't blame him.  We left Brody to play with his friends for the last time while we met with his speech therapist.  We also were shown Brody's suitcase that had been prepared for him.  Wow.  It was filled with gifts, clothing, new shoes, pictures, his memory book, a box of letters, his past artwork, formula, diapers, a backpack, and so much more.  We were shocked.  Then it was time for the farewell party.  Each of the children gathered in a semi-circle with Brody, Travis and I in the middle.  The teacher brought out a world map and an airplane to demonstrate where Brody would be going when they told him goodbye.  We then sang several children's songs together such as "If You're Happy and You Know It", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", and Brody's favorite, "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed".  The many volunteers gathered around the children, each sharing a blessing for Brody.  A special goodbye song was sung while we took Brody to each child and adult for a goodbye hug.  One little friend grabbed Brody's head and laid a big kiss on top.  Of course, the whole room of adults were crying!  Some of the volunteers have loved on Brody for the past 20 months of his life.  I am sure they were crying a mixture of happy and sad tears.  As we watched their love for Brody through hugs, sweet whispers, and tears, Travis and I were speechless.  We wanted to tell the staff how grateful we were to them but both of us were crying messes!  I'm so glad we had already written thank you letters.  Once the friend and caregiver goodbyes were over, we took Brody to each of the rooms for a goodbye, such as, "Goodbye playroom!", "Goodbye bathtub!", "Goodbye bed!".  Whew.  This was all so hard but I was trusting the process.  I have been so amazed by the work at this home that I did not want to question what they have been doing for 26 years.  We had final staff goodbyes and then we gathered Brody's gigantic suitcase and walked out of the building.  We, Brody, Travis, our social worker Joy, and I all stood on the curb and cried.  We cried for the joy of the blessing we were receiving.  We cried for the grateful caregivers.  We cried for the children that are still waiting for a family.  We cried because it was all too much and yet necessary.  As we silently walked away from Mother's Choice, I prayed for the home and asked the Lord's continued blessings upon them.  I hope one day we will return there again as a family of five, celebrating all the wondrous works The Lord has done!

We quietly traveled back to our hotel to drop off Brody's suitcase and then went out for lunch.  What a delight!  We enjoyed Thai cuisine that was delicious!  We then took a taxi to the Hong Kong Science Museum.  Now honestly by this point, Travis and I were exhausted and wanted rest but our social worker encouraged more bonding time on an outing.  We spent two hours at the museum with just one short outburst by Brody.  It seems he does well to cling to Travis and I when others are not around.  After the museum, we took a bus to the famous Star Ferry on the harbor.  What a neat ride with a beautiful view for just 22 cents!  Brody so enjoyed being on the water.

I am sure you can see in our faces, we were absolutely exhausted......and hot!  Hong Kong is so very humid.  Add to that, wrestling and holding a toddler and its a workout.We made one more stop by the Hong Kong Clock Tower and then took a taxi back to the hotel.

Once back at the hotel, our social worker gave us instructions for the evening and told us goodnight.  Thursday will be our last day in Hong Kong and we are to spend it as a family of 3.  So in the morning Joy will check in on us and then we will say our goodbyes.

After the many goodbyes of this morning, tonight has been filled with hellos.  Travis and I have enjoyed a peaceful night playing, bathing, feeding, reading to, and cuddling our Brody.

 Brilee, Brooklyn, and Brody were able to meet for the first time tonight via facetime.  What a delight!  Brilee and Brooklyn were all smiles at the sight of their little brother.  Brody smiled and laughed at the sight of his siblings.  He didn't just laugh, he giggled.  He waved hello and goodbye and even blew kisses to Brilee and Brooklyn.  Wow.  What a blessing these three little ones will be to each other.

Our day ended with snuggles, a bedtime story, prayer, and songs.  Brody cried for just a few minutes before drifting off to "Jesus Loves Me".  May Brody always know who he belongs to.......God's gotcha Brody.......right in the palm of His hand.  Praise be to HIM!

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